Friday, August 28, 2009

Waiver wire

Instead of giving waiver wire priority to the team that has gone the longest without making a claim, why don't we give priority in order of the standings in reverse? That way, the worst teams always get the first shot at a free agent each week. This is the way it works in most sports - this is the way it should work in fantasy football.


  1. couldn't disagree more. that only encourages the bottom rung to make endless frivolous waiver claims. Enough with this socilist crap! The game is about rewarding those with the best strategy, foresight and luck, not making sure everyone finishes .500.

    I love the waiver system we have. Last year, Vandemoer won despite almost completely disregarding the waiver wire. The two years prior, it was Mazzeo and JLoe's judicious use of the wire that gave them they edge they needed to win it all. Let's not just make it he who sucks most is first served.

  2. That's the way the rest of the sports world does it. And what is socilist? Is that a combination of socialism and nihilism?

  3. The rest of the sports world doesn't have weekly waiver claims that get signed in week 10 and become playoff mvp two weeks later. Do I really need to explain to you that fantasy sports are not the same as real sports?

    don't start with the typo patrol, ok?

  4. I vote NO on communism in the league
